Thursday, October 25, 2018

Research Intro

Slavery, bondage, servitude all too real in Cuba. We are the highest qualified slave-labor force in the world. "That service is the noblest which is rendered for its own sake"-Mahatma Gandhi. Life is full of ups and down, good and bad, health and sickness; generally with one comes the other, and as a human you experience all the aspects of life. The silver lining of it all, is there are humans who dedicate their lives alleviate suffering of other humans. Amidst these humans are doctors, one of the most respected professions for their duty to society. Doctors dedicate their life to their work ensuring their patients are always taken care of. Doctors relieve the pain and suffering of mankind, they cure illness and disease, and always make every effort to better the life of others.
Why are Cuban doctors some of the most renown doctors with little to no funding? Cuban doctors are the most renown in the World due to excellent free education, exchange for supplies, and Cuba’s social status. Cuba is the one of the few countries to remain a Communist State, making them unique and difficult to investigate. They have some of the most loyal people even under the strict conditions. The government has been working on trying to increase their moral by several Revolutions each is for the betterment of the Cuban people. Cuban Healthcare is among the best in the World. The doctor’s unique mindset on the medical process sets them apart from every other country. They are sought after and should be studied by Countries everywhere.  To look more into the reason why they have such a phenomenal healthcare and renown doctors there are several topics to focus on. Their education and training, the governments operations, and their trade off of supplies for medical training.


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