Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cuba Research

The biggest highlight I've found is their education is completely free, along with healthcare. I, as a paying for school myself college kid, cannot begin to tell you how much stress that would relieve. While I know their reasoning for it is much different than mine, I still find it very interesting. The other most interesting fact I found was Cuban doctors unlike ours, go to other countries for up to two years and train. They mostly do this after natural disasters, but they do it at other times as well. To think of the techniques you could train other doctors on in two years is phenomenal. They also enjoy teaching and helping. That is probably the biggest difference than most other doctors. Being sent elsewhere to train is tedious and sometimes seen as a punishment. To the Cubans any opportunity to help their country out is worth the work. Below is one of the Cuban training hospitals in Qatar.

My main challenge besides Cuba being restricted and closed off, is all the credible Cuban sources are in Spanish. I've also ran into trouble with getting real in depth information. I can find a lead, but when I go to dig more into it the information just stops. This is primarily for information pertaining to government issues. I also find it difficult because even people who went their to research were confined to schools or doctors that the government wanted them to speak to. To me this makes my information from those sources almost biased to the Cuban Government. Other than finding information, finding credible sources has been my next biggest challenger. I've found several that build a decent research paper, but I want a few that counter my argument about Cuban doctors being world renown. If not the best doctors out there. Lastly, my final challenge is my ability to stay on subject. I keep finding information that pertains to part of my argument. Before I know it I've read an article that has nothing to do with Doctors.

After looking at my outline, I think I am weak on my third point. I want to prove or show that their government is the reason why doctors from Cuba are such good doctors. I believe that if you have no pressure for paying for school you choose what you really want to be. You preform your job better knowing you have to come out of school at the top of your game. Almost as though they have to repay for a free education. While I do not have any sources yet to prove my theory, this is just my brainstorming. I also believe if you don't have to be competitive to get into school like we do, you must have to set yourself apart outside of school. What I do know is that Cuban's are very happy to share their education with others. I am not sure their mindset on that but I can only speculate they want others to receive what they got as well. There is a lot more information I need to research before my ideas become facts.


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